About Routines

Joe Naftal

Last Update vor 9 Monaten

Routines serve a variety of purposes in Check In Pointe.  A routine is simply a group of dancers. You probably want to use a routine for each class or song. If different classes perform the same song in different shows, you're best off creating them as separate routines (for example "Song Name A" and "Song Name B").

While you likely want routines for your classes/songs, you may also want to create other routines, such as "Student Teachers" or "Competition Dancers".

You can use routines to:

  • Filter to a certain routine during check in.  For example, you see a pink costume walking in the door and may filter down to that class so you're ready when the dancer walks up to check in. You may also want to filter down to "Student Teachers" so you can quickly check in all of your classroom assistants before you begin checking in other dancers.
  • Send messages to a particular routine.
  • Assign dances and show order for recital confirmations, photo/rehearsal times, and dancer's personal show schedules.
  • Assign technical production information, such as lighting, scenery, sound, or video notes.
  • Uploading costume instructions and linking it to a specific dance.