API Documentation

Joe Naftal

Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu

Overview of the Check In Pointe API

The Check In Pointe API allows you to manage dancers, groups and shows for your studio. The API requires a valid API token to be included in the header of every request. Requests must be made over HTTPS and any body content included in the request should be JSON-encoded.


To start using the Check In Pointe API, users need to request authorization to the platform and be allowed to send requests to the API through the different endpoints.

Authorization is done through a bearer or token, specifically the Studio Login endpoint provided by the Check In Pointe API.

Studio Login

The login endpoint provides a secure and reliable way to authenticate user credentials and retrieve a unique access token for all subsequent requests. This token will need to be attached to the header of all requests to the Check In Pointe API.

Method Description:

The Studio Login method submits user credentials to the API server to receive the authorization token.

HTTP Method + URL:

GET https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/login


The request body for the API must be submitted in the form-data format. This format allows multiple key-value pairs to be submitted in a single request, making it suitable for submitting user credentials as email and password.


There are two parameters required to authenticate a user and grant access to the platform: email and password. Both parameters are mandatory and must be submitted as form-data in the request body.


Upon successful login, the server will respond with a unique access bearer token. This token must be included in the request header for all subsequent requests to the API. The response will be in JSON format, and will include the token and other relevant metadata.

GET Endpoints

HTTP GET endpoints are a fundamental aspect of the Check In Pointe API. These endpoints allow users to retrieve information about shows, groups, dancers, and other entities within the studio management system. By making a GET request to a specific endpoint URL, users can retrieve data from the server and use it to power their own applications and services.

In this section of the documentation, we will provide detailed information about each GET endpoint available within the API, including its purpose, input parameters, and return values.

GET specific dancer information

Method Description:

This API endpoint retrieves detailed information about a specific dancer enrolled in the studio, based on the unique ID provided in the URL parameter.

HTTP Method + URL:

GET https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/dancer-details?id={dancer_id}

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

dancer_idThe unique identifier of the dancer whose information is to be retrieved.Integer

Return Value Description:

A JSON object containing detailed information about the specified dancer.


This endpoint returns all the data of the dancer referenced by the ID passed as input in the request. A valid response will return a series of fields related to the dancer. This will include the ID of the studio to which the dancer belongs, the first and last name, email, phone, medical information and any additional notes. Other fields like a photo, alerts, tickets locations, and nicknames will be returned in a valid response.

GET a list of all dancers for a studio

Method Description:

This API endpoint provides a list of all the dancers enrolled in the studio.This endpoint is useful for retrieving an overview of all the dancers in the studio and can allow further searching and filtering through the list of dancers.

HTTP Method + URL:

GET https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/dancers

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:


Return Value Description:

A JSON object containing an array of all dancers enrolled in the studio.


A valid response will return an array of all the dancers belonging to the studio. Each dancer entry in the array will be composed of several data fields, including the dancer's ID, first and last name, email, phone number, medical information, and any additional notes that may be relevant and have been added upon registration.

GET a specific group information

Method Description:

This API endpoint allows users to retrieve detailed information about a specific group enrolled in the studio, based on the unique group ID provided in the URL parameter. This endpoint is useful for retrieving an overview of the group's details, including their specifications about lightning, sound, and video.

HTTP Method + URL:

GET https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/group-details?id={group_id}

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

group_idThe ID of the group to retrieveInteger

Return Value Description:

A JSON object containing detailed information about the specified group.


The API endpoint returns a JSON object containing detailed information about the requested group, including the following fields:

  • Name: The name of the group.
  • Studio ID: The unique identifier of the studio that the group is enrolled in.
  • Image: A URL or file path to an image of the grou.
  • Lightning Notes: Any notes or requirements related to lighting for the group's performances or rehearsals.
  • Sound Notes: Any notes or requirements related to sound for the group's performances or rehearsals.
  • Prop Notes: Any notes or requirements related to the use of props during performances or rehearsals.
  • Video Notes: Any notes or requirements related to video or projection for the group's performances or rehearsals

GET a list of all groups for a studio

Method Description:

This API endpoint retrieves a list of all groups enrolled in the studio, including basic information about each group.

HTTP Method + URL:

GET https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/groups

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

studio_idThe ID of the studio to retrieve groups forInteger

Return Value Description:

A JSON object containing an array of all groups enrolled in the studio, including basic information about each group.


A valid response will return an array of all groups belonging to the studio in question. Each group entry will be composed of specific data, as explained for individual group entries in the previous endpoint.

GET a list of dancers assigned to a specific group

Method Description:

This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of all dancers assigned to a specific group enrolled in the studio, based on the unique group ID provided in the URL parameter.

HTTP Method + URL:

GET https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/group-dancers?id={group_id}

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

group_idThe ID of the group to retrieveInteger

Return Value Description:

A JSON object containing an array of all dancers assigned to the specified group.


A valid response will be a JSON object containing detailed information about the dancers in the form of an array. Each entry in the array will include all relevant information regarding the dancer, as well as any relevant information about the group to which they are assigned.

GET a specific show information

Method Description:

This API endpoint allows users to retrieve information about a specific show in the studio, based on the unique show ID provided in the URL parameter

HTTP Method + URL:

GET https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/show-details?id={show_id}

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

show_idThe ID of the show to retrieveInteger

Return Value Description:

A JSON object containing information about the specified show.


When a user successfully retrieves information about a specific show using this API endpoint, a JSON object will be returned containing various details about the show. These details include the show's unique identifier, the identifier of the studio where the show is held, the name of the show, the name and address of the venue, and the date and time of the show. The response will also contain whether certain requirements such as undo pass, multiple sign-ins, prompt drop-off, prompt pick-up, prompt temperature checks, and prompt pick-up cards are necessary for the show.

GET a list of all shows for a studio

Method Description:

This API endpoint retrieves a list of all shows scheduled for the studio, including their name, date, and time.

HTTP Method + URL:

GET https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/shows

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:


Return Value Description:

A JSON object containing an array of all shows scheduled for the studio.


The response will be a JSON object containing detailed information about the shows in the form of an array. Each entry in the array will include all relevant information regarding the show, such as the show’s ID, name, studio’s ID to which it belongs, among others, as explained for individual show entries in the previous endpoint.

GET a list of dancers assigned to a specific show

Method Description:

This API endpoint allows users to get a list of all dancers assigned to a specific show for a studio.

HTTP Method + URL:

GET https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/show-dancers?id={show_id}

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

show_idThe ID of the show to retrieveInteger

Return Value Description:

A JSON object containing a list of all dancers assigned to a specific show.


The response will be a JSON object containing detailed information about the list of dancers assigned to a specific show in the form of an array. Each entry in the array will include all relevant information regarding the show’s dancers, such as the show’s ID, studio’s ID, dancer’s ID and their information provided upon registration.

GET a list of groups assigned to a specific show

Method Description:

This API endpoint retrieves a list of all the dance groups assigned to a specific show.

HTTP Method + URL:

GET https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/show-groups?id={show_id}

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

show_idThe ID of the show to retrieveInteger

Return Value Description:

A JSON object containing a list of all the dance groups assigned to the specified show.


The response will be a JSON object containing detailed information about the list of groups assigned to a specific show in the form of an array. Each entry in the array will include all relevant information regarding the group, such as the show’s ID, group’s ID, name and other provided information when registered.

POST Endpoints

The Check In Pointe API is heavily dependent on its HTTP POST endpoints, which are utilized to add new information about shows, groups, dancers, and other facets of studio management. The user can create new records in the system by making a POST request at a designated endpoint URL.

To help users maximize the utility of the API, this section details each available POST endpoint, providing its purpose as well as the input parameters required for creating new records. This section also provides expected responses from the API to help ensure successful record creation.

POST a new dancer to a studio

Method Description:

This endpoint adds a new dancer to a studio using a POST request.

HTTP Method + URL:

POST https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/add-new-dancer

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

firstnameThe first name of the new dancer.String
lastnameThe last name of the new dancer.String
nicknameThe nickname of the new dancer.String
emailThe email of the new dancer.String
phoneThe phone number of the new dancer.String
additional_phone_1An additional phone number for the new dancer.String
additional_phone_2An additional phone number for the new dancer.String
date_of_birthThe date of birth of the new dancer in YYYY-MM-DD format.String
parent_namesThe name(s) of the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the new dancer.String
medicalinfoAny relevant medical information for the new dancer.String
notesAny additional notes for the new dancer.String
alertAn alert for the new dancer.String
ticketlocationThe ticket location for the new dancer.String
understudyThe name of the new dancer’s understudy.String
photoA photo of the new dancer.File
photo_urlA URL path to a photo file for the new dancer.String

Return Value Description:

Upon successful execution, this endpoint returns a confirmation message indicating that the dancer has been added to the studio. In this case, the value of the error key will be set to false. If an error arises, the key error will be set to true.

POST a new group to a studio

Method Description:

This API endpoint allows users to add a new group to a studio by sending a POST request to the specified URL.

HTTP Method + URL:

POST https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/add-new-group

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer.

Input Parameters:

nameThe first name of the new dancer.String
imageAn optional image file associated with the new group.File
image_urlA URL path to a photo file for the new group.String

Return Value Description:

Upon successful execution, this endpoint returns a confirmation message indicating that the group has been added to the studio. In this case, the value of the error key will be set to false. If an error arises, the key error will be set to true.

POST a new dressing room to a studio

Method Description:

This endpoint allows creating a new dressing room in a studio and assigning it to either all shows or a specific set of shows.

HTTP Method + URL:

POST https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/add-new-dressing-room

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer.

Input Parameters:

nameThe name of the new dressing room.String
for_showsA dropdown field to select whether the dressing room should be assigned to all shows or a specific set of shows. The value must be either "all" or "selected".String
show_idsAn array of show IDs to assign the dressing room to. This parameter is only required if for_shows is set to "selected". If for_shows is set to "all", this parameter should be an empty array.Array of Integers

Return Value Description:

Upon successful execution, this endpoint returns a confirmation message indicating that the new dressing room has been added to the studio. If an error arises, a message indicates so.

POST a new show to a studio

Method description:

This API endpoint allows you to add a new show to a studio.

HTTP method + URL:

POST https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/add-new-show

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

nameName of the new show.String
venue_nameName of the venue for the new show.String
venue_addressAddress of the venue for the new show.String
show_dateDate of the new show in YYYY-mm-dd format.Date
show_timeTime of the new show in HH:mm:ss format.Time
required_pass_undoFlag indicating if a password is required to undo check-in.Boolean
allow_multiple_signinsFlag indicating if multiple sign-ins are allowed.Boolean
prompt_dropoff_signinFlag indicating if the user should be prompted to sign in for drop-off.Boolean
prompt_pickup_signoutFlag indicating if the user should be prompted to sign out for pick-up.Boolean
prompt_tempratureFlag indicating if the user should be prompted to enter their temperature.Boolean
prompt_parent_pickupcardFlag indicating if the user should be prompted to show their parent pickup card.Boolean

Return Value Description:

Upon successful execution, this endpoint returns a confirmation message indicating that the new show has been added to the studio. If an error arises, a message indicates so.

POST assign a dancer to a group

Method description:

This endpoint allows assigning a dancer to a group in the studio.

HTTP method + URL:

POST https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/group/assign-dancer

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

dancer_idThe ID of the dancer to be assigned to the group.Integer
group_idThe ID of the group to which the dancer will be assigned.Integer

Return Value Description:

Upon successful execution, this endpoint returns a confirmation message indicating that the dancer has been assigned to the group. If an error arises, a message indicates so.

POST assign a dancer to a dressing room

Method description:

This endpoint allows assigning a dancer to a group in the studio.

HTTP method + URL:

POST https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/dressing/assign-dancer

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

dancer_idThe ID of the dancer to be assigned to the group.Integer
dressing_idThe ID of the dressing room to be assigned to the group.Integer

Return Value Description:

Upon successful execution, this endpoint returns a confirmation message indicating that the dancer has been assigned to the dressing room. If an error arises, a message indicates so.

POST assign a dancer to a show

Method description:

This endpoint assigns a dancer to a show in a studio.

HTTP method + URL:

POST https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/show/assign-dancer

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

dancer_idThe ID of the dancer to be assigned to the show.Integer
show_idThe ID of the show to which the dancer will be assigned.Integer

Return Value Description:

Upon successful execution, this endpoint returns a confirmation message indicating that the dancer has been assigned to the show. If an error arises, a message indicates so.

POST assign a list of dancers to a group

Method description:

This endpoint allows you to assign a list of dancers to a specific group in your studio.

HTTP method + URL:

POST https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/group/assign-multiple-dancers

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

group_idThe ID of the group to which the dancer will be assigned.Integer
dancer_idsAn array of dancer IDs that are being assigned to the group.Array

Return Value Description:

Upon successful execution, this endpoint returns a confirmation message indicating that the list of dancers have been assigned to the group. If an error arises, a message indicates so.

POST assign a list of dancers to a dressing room

Method description:

This endpoint assigns a list of dancers to a specific dressing room.

HTTP method + URL:

POST https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/dressing/assign-multiple-dancers

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

dressing_idThe ID of the dressing room to which the dancers will be assigned.Integer
dancer_idsAn array of dancer IDs to be assigned to the dressing room.Array

Return Value Description:

Upon successful execution, this endpoint returns a confirmation message indicating that the list of dancers have been assigned to the dressing room. If an error arises, a message indicates so.

POST assign a list of dancers to a show

Method description:

This endpoint allows assigning a list of dancers to a specific show.

HTTP method + URL:

POST https://checkinpointe.io/api/v2/public/api/studio/show/assign-multiple-dancers

API Permissions Required:

Authorization Bearer

Input Parameters:

show_idThe ID of the show to which the dancers will be assigned.Integer
dancer_idsAn array of dancer IDs to be assigned to the show.Array

Return Value Description:

Upon successful execution, this endpoint returns a confirmation message indicating that the list of dancers have been assigned to the show. If an error arises, a message indicates so.